I'm watching my Japanese professor teach. He has put so much effort into this class. He knows exactly what to say and when to change slides.
He is holding a make-up lesson at 7pm on a Saturday, yet at least 50% of his students have turned up. The clicker that he uses to point at the slides and change them is faulty today; he pushes it twice, while talking about the impact of hurricanes on wages, but the slide doesn't change. He pushes harder, stalling with words, and it still doesn't work. Then finally, it does - before conking again. He half-laughs and shakes his head in clear unbridled frustration.
This happens so many times that he finally, just short of cursing, mutters to the class - I am not blaming you, I am just really ..
It works, and he swiftly changes the function of the device from clicker to laser.
Before conking again.
His frustration is mounting. He goes a little red and grits his teeth a little. He sighs and glances at the digital clock on the wall. Does anyone have any questions? he stalls. Comments? You two, seem to be chatting a bit, anything you want to add? Anyone else?
His hair starts standing straighter as he pushes the button harder and harder. Slowly his face goes red, then redder, until he is a tomato headed Japanese man comically posed, pressing a button faster and faster until it's a blur, and finally he bursts with a pop.
A squeak from the spot where he popped - Ok, take a break for seventeen and a half minutes!